Camp Meeting 2020



Idaho Conference Camp Meeting is moving to a digital/virtual format!

Just for the kids: click here for a list

Find the feed on or on YouTube.

The day after each session, the videos will be posted here on our website.

Sabbath pm, June 13 2020 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting Video

Sabbath am, June 13 2020 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting Video

Friday, June 12 2020 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting Video

Thursday, June 11 2020 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting Video

Wednesday, June 10 2020 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting Video

Tuesday, June 9 2020 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting Video

You will be able to watch Dr. Hyveth Williams as she shares with us each evening and Sabbath morning. Sing along during song service. Hear stories of how God has led in lives impacted by evangelism. Join your heart in prayer with all who are watching. Be blessed and inspired as Dr. Williams speaks the words God gives to her.

Yes, it will be different. There will be things we miss: reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, finding the perfect book at the ABC, listening to other inspiring speakers. We’ll just have to use our newly developed digital skills to connect, if you haven’t already.

Please bear with us – this is new for us as well.

Information on Spanish-language camp meeting are below. More information will be coming.

Our other guest speakers have been invited to come next year, in 2021. We are not sure if they will all be able to accept those invitations; it will depend on their schedules.

As the details come together, we will share information on how to join us for 2020 Idaho Conference Camp Meeting – Longing for Home!


Dr. Hyveth Williams is our speaker. She will share with us each evening and Sabbath morning.

Dr. Hyveth Williams served for over thirteen years as senior pastor of Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda, California. She is the first black female pastor and the first female senior pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. She was recently named Director of the Doctor of Ministry program and also serves as Professor of Homiletics in the Andrews University Theological Seminary.
A graduate of Columbia Union College with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology (1984), Pastor Williams received her Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University Theological Seminary (1989). In 1998 she graduated from Boston University School of Theology with a Doctor of Ministry degree. Dr. Williams holds the distinction of being the first non-Episcopalian to receive the prestigious Fellowship from the Episcopal College of Preachers, National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
She is the author of four books including her autobiography Will I Ever Learn? One Woman's Life of Miracles and Ministry. Articles by Pastor Williams have appeared in Insight, Signs of the Times, Adventist Review, Ministry, Women of Spirit, Message and Celebration magazines.
Dr. Williams is our evening and Sabbath morning speaker. We welcome her back again, as she was one of our speakers at last year’s camp meeting.


Plans for the Virtual Spanish Language Camp Meeting are in process. The dates are July 7 - 11, 2020. More information will be shared as it is available.




Pastor Miguel Adonia Greenaway is the speaker for the Spanish Language Camp Meeting. He was born in the Seventh-day Adventist faith, in Panama. His academic preparation includes a Masters in Leadership and Administration from La Sierra University and an unfinished doctoral thesis at the University of Montemorelos. His pastoral experience includes being district pastor, director of different conference departments, executive secretary, conference president. He has worked in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Honduras. He served during war and peace. Pr. Adonia is currently an evangelist at one of the Conferences in Costa Rica. He enjoys serving alongside his wife Delia, who is a family counselor. They have 6 children, all adults, 2 of them are pastors, and they have raised seven foster kids. He loves to read and write, bilingual, and prefers to be introduced as a friend to young people, one who knows Jesus and loves to serve.

Es nacido en la Fe Adventista del Séptimo Día, en Panama. Su preparación académica incluye un Máster en Liderazgo y Administración de la Universidad de La Sierra, tesis doctoral inacabada en la Universidad de Montemorelos. Su experiencia Pastoral incluye el ser pastor de Distrito, director de Diferentes departamentos de la conferencia, Secretario Ejecutivo, Presidente de Conferencia, habiendo trabajado en Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Honduras. Sirvió durante la guerra y la paz. Actualmente es Evangelista de una de las Conferencia en Costa Rica. Disfruta sirviendo junto a su esposa Delia, quien es Consejera familiar. Ellos tiene 6 hijos, todos adultos, 2 de ellos son Pastores, y a demás  hemos criado a siete niños adoptivos. Le encanta leer y escribir, bilingüe, y Prefiero ser presentado como un amigo de los jóvenes, y uno que conoce a Jesús y le encanta servir.

More information will follow...